HISTORY AND CULTURE-Mark-Karensminde-DestinationTrekantomraadet
Vold ved Fredericia - DestinationTrekantomraadet

An Outline for Life

Photo:Destination Trekantområdet&Destination Trekantområdet

We humans have grand ideas and make elaborate plans. It’s in our nature. But do things always go according to plan when those ideas are put into action? Or are we destined to live by the cynicism embraced by the military: Plans only hold until the first encounter with reality?

That’s the theme we’ll explore on this tour. Come join us!

Det planlagte liv

Under overskriften "det planlagte liv" kan du tage med på fire udvalgte audioturs. Tag vandreskoene på, og tag dine høretelefoner i ørene og gå på opdagelse i historierne om, hvordan fortidens planer har været med til at forme  byerne Fredericia, Jelling, Grinsted og Christiansfeld som vi kender dem i dag. 

An Outline for the Vikings
Photo: Nationalmuseet, Kongernes Jelling

An Outline for the Vikings

The tour, an Ouline for Life of the Viking Kings, takes you past a demonstration of power of immense proportions—one we can hardly fully comprehend.

The Outline for the Landscape
Photo: MARK – Billund Kommunes Museer

The Outline for the Landscape

In 1864, Denmark lost the rich duchies of Schleswig and Holstein to the Germans. The country’s area shrank dramatically, and the number of citizens was halved.

An Outline for the Herrnhuters
Photo: Museum Kolding

An Outline for the Herrnhuters

Explore the planned city of Christiansfeld. It is one of Denmark's first cities that resulted from actual urban planning.

An Outline for the Fortress
Photo: Fredericia Bymuseum

An Outline for the Fortress

Fredericia was built on a bare field. A desolate place where no city should be built. However, the area made good military sense.


"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." - Dwight D. Eisenhower


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